Feruza Khalmatovna Usarova defended her dissertation on the topic "National-ideological basics of the foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the context of globalization" in 2009, specialty 23.00.04 - "International systems and political problems of the world development" and received the degree of candidate of political sciences, approved in the rank of senior research assistant in 2020. F. Usarova carry out research on the role of interethnic harmony in the strengthening of international relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the role of ideological factors in foreign policy. F.Usarova has two monographs, two author's works (patents), more than 35 textbooks, innovative and methodological manual, more than 100 published in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, USA, Japan, China, author of scientific articles and abstracts. He took part in the international conferences of UNESCO (2005), the international grant "Innolab" within the framework of the European Union TEMPUS program. F. Usarova is a participant in the scientific seminar of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. The center will operate from 2018. Head of the department since September 4, 2019.
Since August 2021, Deputy Director and since December 2021, Acting Directors.